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Russet Chapter 1 Analysis Change and Choice

Russet Chapter 1 Analysis Change and Choice

Q Once finished with the Chapter AND the PowerPoint, please: a) Choose one of the four momentous events outlined in the beginning of Chapter 1 to research and write about in a 2-3 page analysis. b) Specifically, research, analyze and write about your chosen event using the six levels of analysis outlined in Chapter 1, namely: Individual Decision Makers; Roles of Decision Makers, Governmental Structure; Characteristics of Society; International Relations and the World System. Spend time detailing the specifics for each of these six levels of analysis as they apply to the event you have chosen.

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For this week’s analysis assignment I have chosen the momentous event of the end of Cold War in 1989 and would be focussing on the perspective of Russia. The Cold War was not literally fought on the battle ground but was mainly the fight between different ideologies and between capitalism and communism. Both the powers—U.S. and U.S.S.R.—wanted to outdo each other in every possible sphere. While one launched first ballistic missile Sputnik, the other launched the first man in space. Both sides showed their nuclear power and tried to ruin each